Specialized protocol experts providing staking services

Nodies started as a staking company and has since expanded to a broader set of infrastructure services. Our extensive experience makes us the trusted choice. Our specialized protocol experts offer staking services with a focus on security, optimization, and high uptime. Count on our wealth of experience and commitment to excellence for reliable and effective staking solutions.

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3+ yrs

Chains Supported

  • Pokt
  • Ethereum
  • Metis
  • Planq
  • SQD
  • Lava

More chains coming soon

Why Stake with Nodies?

Globally Distributed in 4+ Regions

Globally Distributed in 3+ Regions

We run nodes across multiple geographic regions with primary and backup signers to ensure the highest uptime.

Globally Distributed in 4+ Regions

Bare metal infrastructure

We offer the most decentralized and cost performant solution by using our own bare metal fleet colocated in datacenters.

Globally Distributed in 4+ Regions

Fine tuned IO & Networking

Advanced networking with host tuning, I/O optimizations, and hardware tailored for operating performant nodes

Stake with us Now!

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